EPDM sideained graanulitele

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Toote kirjeldus

Product Name:EPDM sideaine
RakendusEPDM kumm
Tarneaeg5-7 tööpäeva
MaterjalPu glue and binder
pakett25kg/drum  200kg/drum
Osakute müükDrum
Ühe pakendi suurus30x30x45cm (25kg)
60x60x116cm (200kg)
VõimekusResistance of aging、Corrosion resistance、High stability、High viscosity and durability


Environmentally friendly polyurethane binder for Rubber Granules Running Track PU Glue:

Adhesive/binder/resine/bonding agent,Environmentally friendly raw materials comply with CE, ROHS and other environmental standards, reducing the impact on the environment

Specially for racetrack,Has good adhesion, ductility, and stability, and is not easily peeled or cracked after use

Non toxic and odorless,Will not cause harm to the human body

Easy to use, fast curing, no need for any special equipment or operating skills, suitable for various sizes of venues

Strong corrosion resistance,It can resist the corrosion and erosion of various chemicals, making it suitable for use in various harsh environments


For EPDM granules

This product is applicable to the pavement of the rubber running track, the production of the safety ground floor, the pavement of stadiums, and playgrounds.

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EPDM granules binders

Our Binder type, We classified different our products for four types. 

EPDM rubber granules colors are different, mixture with binder, the colors change with little different.


About usage method

Right picture, it's for red race.

This product applies to the pavement of the rubber running track, the production of the safety EPDM floor, and the pavement of stadiums and playgrounds.
It’s weak adhesiveness before the cross-linking hardening will not stick to the tools and instruments. It thus will facilitate the construction, reduce the usage of organic solvents, and save costs.
The superiority of this product lies in its resistance from hardening, high elasticity, and rebound rate, making it more comfortable to footing on as well as maintaining sound motility.

punase kummi sideaine segamise etapp

Main steps are:

Step1:Ready the glue and EPDM granules

Step2:Mix them

Step3:Put the mixture to floor( you can choose by manual work or machine


Step5:Post-processing( if some special use, need sprinkle fines or other process)

Notes for Use

Avoid high temperature, high humidity weather construction, rainy days can not be constructed.

Avoid long-term storage above 50℃ to form insoluble solids and increase the viscosity.

Under low temperature and low humidity conditions (temperature below 20℃, relative humidity less than 50%, two conditions), the catalyst can be adjusted, the company can provide environmental catalyst , the added amount of 0.05% -0.20% of the glue amount, (in operation, the catalyst must be added to the glue, stir evenly, and then mixed with the particles). If necessary, for the specific additional amount, the customer can consult the technical personnel of the company or adjust it during the small test, and the construction is not recommended when the temperature is lower than 5℃.

Under high temperature and high humidity, the material reaction curing is relatively accelerated, and the ingredient amount should be adjusted in time during construction.

EPDM particles should be clean, dry, no impurities and less dust.

All materials must be evenly mixed when used.

The unused materials shall be sealed, and the opened materials should be checked for thickened, cloudy or cured before the next use. Use the above situation or other abnormalities. If the placement time is long, the test must be done before use.

If solvents must be used, a polyurethane grade solvent must be purchased. The test must be done well before use.(Solvent use is not recommended)

Korduma kippuvad küsimused

Muidugi saame saata teie tasuta näidiseid.

Võite mulle öelda oma kasutuskoha ja värvid, mida vajate.

Teie tellimuse tarneaeg on 5 tööpäeva jooksul peale ettemaksu laekumist.

Jah, palun andke meile teada, millist paksust soovite, me võtame teiega ühendust.

Jah, pakume epdm põrandakatete paigaldamiseks täielikku ehitustööriistade komplekti, sealhulgas suuri sillutusmasinaid, segamismasinaid ja käsitööriistu väiksemate pindade jaoks.

NJfeelingi tehas

20-aastase tehnilise kogemusega miljonite tonnide tootesari on praegu Hiinas kõige arenenum. Laia valiku, hea kvaliteedi, mõistlike hindade ja stiilse disainiga tooteid kasutatakse laialdaselt igasugustes pallimängudes, näiteks koolides, lasteaedades, turvamatid, jõusaal, jalakäijate sillad, pargid, teed ja muud ühiskondlikud tegevused, põrandakatte kohad.

Oleme kummist põrandakattematerjalide ja PU-sideaine tootja. Kõik meie tooted läbivad ja saavad sertifikaadi nagu CE, ROHS, SGS, ISO jne. Meie tooteid eksporditakse Ühendkuningriiki, Saksamaale, Soome, Hispaaniasse, Poola, Türki, Saudi Araabiasse, AÜE, Jaapanisse, Austraaliasse, USA-sse, Kanadasse , Colombia jne enam kui 40 riigis.

Pakkimine ja kohaletoimetamine

Pakkimise kohta:
25kg Drum/200kg Drum
Single package size:
30x30x45cm (25kg)
60x60x116cm (200kg)

EPDM binder packing
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EPDM binders2

Meie teenused

Parim kvaliteet

Tagame, et meie toode on meie tehases toodetud 100%, kõik tooted on hea materjali ja range kvaliteedikontrolliga.

Konkurentsivõimeline hind

Toodame aastaid, meil on usaldusväärsed ja pikaajalised suhted tooraine tarnijaga, meie masin on meie põhivara, töötajad on kogenud, saame kulusid paremini kontrollida kui teised tehased.

Tehniline tugi

Kuna oleme kogenud tehases, on meil palju kodumaiseid projekte, meil on 14 aasta jooksul palju kogemusi paigaldamisel. Enlist juhised antakse teile pärast meilt tellimist.

Õigeaegne teenindus

Meie müügitöötajaid on võrgus 24, ilma ajavaheta.

Tasuta näidised

Kõikidele toodetele saab klientidele pakkuda tasuta näidiseid.

Rahuldav pärast hooldust

Meil on müügijärgseks teeninduseks 4-liikmeline meeskond ning neile kehtivad ranged reeglid ja hindamine. Kõik probleemid lahendatakse õigeaegselt.

Installation Details

1.Dust and moisture should be removed from cement floor and keep the surface clean and dry.

binder installation2

2.Pour the EPDM granules and PU binder into the agitator 
Always with SBR 1:6 or 1:7, adn EPDM 1:5.

binder installation

Professionaalne tootmine

Professional Test

We demonstrates EPDM binder testing expertise by avoiding high temperature and humidity conditions, preventing storage above 50°C, adjusting catalysts for low temperatures, ensuring clean and dry EPDM particles, and enforcing strict mixing and storage protocols. Our thorough testing guarantees superior performance.

EPDM test

EPDM-i installitööriistad

Pakume ka segamismasinat, sillutusmasinat, pihustusmasinat, vooderdamismasinat, kütteplaati, kütterulli, käsilabida.


Kvaliteetne neitsikumm

Kasutame imporditud neitsikummi nagu Dow kemikaal ja Kelton

jooksuraja tootmisliin

Professionaalne tootmisliin

Meie toode on kohandatud teie värvi jaoks. Enne selle mahu tootmist peame kontrollima, kas värv ja kvaliteet vastavad nõudlusele.

Seotud tooted

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